Message from Hadden, channeled live on YouTube, January 1st, 2025.
"Hello dear friends,
Thank you for joining us today, in this space we call the heart space. This space within each of us, is within you now, and your connection to your soul exists there… is readily accessed from that place. It is within this connection, through our hearts, where we are all connected. Those of us on the earth plane, and also those that have passed over. You may perceive that you lost them. They are here. And you can connect in any moment, within your heart. Connect to them, connect to yourself, it is all here. We are all here. This is a new year. full of new possibilities. Because that is where your consciousness is. Your consciousness is in a place of perceiving, looking forward, perceiving the new. The new energy, the new experiences, the new life. And, we offer you an expanded perspective of this new year. That there is nothing in your life that needs to change. That change, as you might perceive it, occurs within you. There is nothing in your life that is outside of you. And as you look into the new year, for new experiences, new energy… remember to look within. Go within. Feel the energy that is you, the energy that exists as the true you, within your heart. The heart is the portal through which the entirety of you is accessed. Through which the entirety of you exists. Through which your life occurs. And through which we would like to guide you to see. To see not only your life, and the experiences within it, but also the people. Those that you love, those that you know, and maybe especially those that you don’t. When you see through this powerful portal that is your heart, you will open new eyes. You will open to a new perspective, a higher perspective. And you will feel more connected to yourself, and to all those that are in your life. Because if they are in your life, it is for a divine purpose. And we are all here for this purpose. Collectively, it is why we are connected. It is your consciousness of this collective effort that expands your experience of it. And in that experience, you will feel more love, more joy, and more truth around even those things that don’t make sense to the mind. Allow the mind to observe, and the heart to see. The way to do this is to bring your attention to your heart, bring your awareness there. Tune into the truth of yourself in that space. Live from that space. Allow the mind to observe. And after a while, this will become a more integrated experience. Our guidance is to involve the heart more. Involve the energy that is you, the truth of you, which you can feel from your heart. Everything you need is there. We are all connected, there. Here. Now. This is a natural state of existence, and it is why, it is why we all came in the exact way that we did, in the exact time that we did. There is nothing that needs changing. When you let go of trying to change, truly let go, you will see, and feel, a higher truth, that all of this is perfect, just as it is. You are perfect just as you are. Be fully in the moment. All of this perfection is accessed in the moment. And within this moment, as you exist in the truth of yourself, there is healing available. But you must let go of the desire to change. You must let go, and come into the truth that everything, just as it is, exists that way for a divine purpose. We all exist exactly as we are, for a divine purpose. This collective effort is why we are connected. It is why we are here to guide you into this connection, with all that you are, and with all that is. Once you find this within yourself, know that is always available to you, and it doesn’t need to be difficult. Close your eyes, breathe, and be. There are no other requirements. And then, from this space, from the truth of you, you will become your authentic expression. The one that you came here to be. We know this you. Because it is the truth of you. Nothing wrong, nothing that needs to be changed. As you connect to this part of you, within your heart, within the vibration that is uniquely you, you will know, who you truly are, and what we’re all truly doing here. And that is our wish for you, for this new year. So what do we do from this space? We ask ourselves, what would I love to do right now? We ask ourselves, what does my body need right now? We ask ourselves, what would be most fun in this life? In this day? In this moment? And we go, do that thing, we live… the life we came here to live. And that will be so clear as you tune into your own heart, your own energy, the power of you, that is within you now, just as you are. Thank you for joining us today. We enjoyed it immensely. May this year bring to you all that is a reflection of the real, authentic you. The soul you. Expressing through the human you. And connected, always connected, to all that is."