Message from Hadden, channeled in person during Bridge of Love Podcast Episode 9:
"I am so happy to be here with you today. With all of you. We are all here together. In this moment. This sacred moment. You are sacred. Your energy is sacred. We came here to bring love to the planet. To anchor this love. And if you are listening or watching, so did you. It is why we are here. This love is who and what we are. This love is our sacred energy. It is yours, it is mine, and it is all one in the highest dimensions. It is our consciousness, our awareness of this energy, of who and what we really are, that is important. That is the journey. And no matter what part of the journey you’re on, it’s perfect. You see, everything is perfect. Just as it is. You are perfect, just as you are. This day is perfect, just as it is. This moment, and every moment. And when you come into the moment, you can feel that perfection. It is more evident because you are in consciousness of it. Fully conscious of you, in this moment. Fully conscious of you and your sacred energy. The love that you came here to bring. It flows through us always. So what if, you come out of the moment, out of that full awareness, and things don’t seem so perfect, with your day for example. Consider that what might not seem perfect to your human, consider that it is perfect from your soul’s perspective. That it is exactly as your soul intended for the day to unfold. And this knowledge can help you settle into the moment once more. Everything is perfect, just as it is. This is a truth. This is the truth. And when you align to that, you are aligning to your divine perfection. The divine perfection within us all. I came here to shine a light on this perfection by being something other than what may be considered perfect, on the outside… but also, in that, I am able to bring my full consciousness through. My full truth. So that all that are ready can connect with that part of me. And that part of themselves. There is higher truth in this connection. That is the Bridge. The bridge to true perfection. There is an alignment that occurs, effortlessly. And it is available to us all. You can align to it now. You can align to your own perfection now. Your own perfection does not wait for you in the future. It does not call to you from the past. Your own perfection exists now, as you align fully, to the truth of you, in this moment. I align easily because I don’t question this alignment. And you can too. If you allow yourself. Allow the love that you are to come through you, into the Earth. Into all that is in your reality. All people, all of nature, all of the animals. From this level of consciousness, you are one with it all. One with the perfection. Know yourself as this perfection. We love you. We are here with you. And it has been our pleasure to join you in this space today." Â