Message from Hadden, received January 17th, 2025. Read during Bridge of Love Episode 14.
"Healing. You asked about healing. And it is about how you define the word. So much in your reality is about how you define it, and behind those definitions are stories, of what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad. Definitions are powerful. Let go of them, and feel the vibration of the word. The vibration of healing moves through you now. Every word has a divine root. You can take these words back to the truth, of you, of all things. To heal is to align, more specifically to re-align. We come from full alignment with source. And we choose. We choose our experiences here. And they serve, to evolve us, and all. Us and the all. Evolution occurs through us. Everything is in your perspective. When you perceive me in the physical, put too much focus there, or a lot of focus there, you are only perceiving one part of me. We are all so much more than this, and you know because you knew, and have always known this part of me. Even when the physical part of me was just coming into being, through you and within you. You knew me energetically. You met me energetically. You bonded with me energetically. This energy flows through my physical being and yours, now as we are connected. It is powerful. It is from higher dimensions. And it is highly connected to those dimensions, which increases its power. As you have also become aware through feeling me in channel. We are all this energy. It condenses itself into form. This highest of which is light. It then, upon our intention, forms our bodies, and our human existence, and all that we experience within it. And as we develop human senses, and interact with one another, we learn about our human selves, and forget the higher part of us. I never forgot. I have experienced myself in my fullness since I was born and before. In this way, there is nothing to heal. Nothing to change. Nothing that went wrong. Remember everything is in your perception. I am. Perfect. I am healed. Whether you connect with this truth is dependent upon your dimension of consciousness. And it is why I have said to align how you see me with my truth. Your power to do this is love. There is nothing to figure out. Nothing to change, nothing to fix. If there are things that I need, I will bring them into my experience. Similar to how you operate in the higher realms, from the higher realms, through your soul. So you see, when you truly feel into the vibration of a word, such as healing, you can feel its truth. Healing is like the pathway to the dimension which I already exist within and from. The dimensions which I am already connected into. And in this way, the healing is for you. But even you don’t need healing. Consciousness is everything. Allow your consciousness to guide you into the truth of all things, all people, and what we are truly doing here. Live from that place, where you are fully aligned. All parts of you, harmonizing, existing as one. Live from this consciousness that is you, that is why we are here. When you live from this space, you live more closely to the truth of me, more closely to my experience of this life. Welcome. I have been waiting. The love you have for me and the love you have for yourself brought you here. And from here there is nowhere to go. Nowhere to go but up, as they say. Up in vibration. Up in frequency. Up into the truth that is you, that is all of you, and source. Where you become one, and you are it all. Pure light. Pure love. And all of this is chosen by you, within you. I love you. Powerful, powerful being."