Message from Hadden, channeled during Bridge of Love Episode 5:
"I am so happy to be here today. This is a space we share. The heart space. You can go there now. Come there with me. Come there with us. And feel. Feel the love that exists there. And maybe that’s a love that you hold there for someone else. Someone in your family, a friend, someone you care for. But underneath that, that love for them, can you feel the love that you have inside of you. It may feel like a warmth in your heart space. Feel for that love. And know, without that being there, without it being the truth of you, without it being inside of you, you would not be able to feel that for someone else, or give that to someone else. This love is the bridge. Between you, and anyone you love. Here in the physical with you, or in the nonphysical. We are all here playing together. All here in this life experience. All here to witness the beauty. In ourselves, and in each other, and in the precious moments that we share. They are all precious. It is all precious. To be appreciated. To be valued. And when you’re in this vibration of love, those moments expand. The value expands. The appreciation expands. And we all have this ability. To tune into love. To feel it, inside of us. To be it. Maybe you’re a bridge for someone else. Just know that you’re here for an important reason. Even if that reason isn’t clear in this moment. Knowing it. Knowing that you are valuable. That you are love. That we all are. Will eventually open you to that bigger reason that you’re here. Which at its core, is to give, and feel love. From this vibration, all things are possible. Allow it in. Allow the love that is here for you. And if that comes from a loved one, perfect. But when you feel it for them, from them, feel also within yourself in that moment, and you will feel, that love is there. It is yours. You are that love. It is simply being reflected back to you. Your truth, being reflected back to you. In everyone that you meet, interact with. I hope you feel the love, and see the beauty, in yourself, and in all things. Thank you for joining us in this space today."