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My Journey

I believe the challenges we experience in life are chosen, and that within them are gifts that guide us back to the truth of ourselves. â€‹


In 2007, I left a career in biotechnology to focus on the new and unknown path ahead as a special needs parent. My daughter Hadden has been my greatest teacher. Being in this unique life with her has not been easy, but it has been lit up by the love I feel from her, and for her. Deep down I have always seen and known her as so much more than her physical presence. As I reached my limits of understanding our physical journey here, it had also begun to take its toll on my spirit. I knew there had to be more to this story than just struggling through life with a disabled child. And she had been giving me glimpses of this "more" all along - through her presence, her joy, her energy, and her love. I began to focus even more on those qualities, on what was "right" instead of what was "wrong." I learned to connect more intentionally to her on a soul level, and as I did, I was awakened to that part of myself, which has been absolutely life changing. I now have a clearer sense of purpose, more joy, more love, and more appreciation for our life exactly as it is. Hadden is non-verbal, so the soul level connection is quite natural for both of us, and has become an invaluable tool for communication and greater understanding. I share this wisdom on my podcast, Bridge of Love, and have created my own method of nonverbal communication called SoulSpeak. It is my passion to bridge the soul level perspective with our everyday life, and to live from the place where they are one. I believe it is one of the greatest gifts of being in the presence of nonverbal people, and part of their greater purpose here. 

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