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Celebrate Your Existence

Message from Hadden, channeled in person during Bridge of Love Podcast Episode 11:

"I am so happy to be here with you today. This is all meant to be so much fun. And that is why it is to be celebrated. You are to be celebrated. Celebrations are fun. They amplify the fun. But this vibration is where I exist much of the time. The most important is that you celebrate you. Celebrate your life, your body, just as it is. Celebrate being here. All is just as it was intended by your soul. And to celebrate it is to accept this higher truth. That your soul, you, you placed yourself here, now. And in this moment, there is so much to celebrate. Being here, yes. But being with those that we love, even better. There is value in it all. When you are in the energy of celebrating everything in your life, it starts to reflect back to you more things to celebrate. And when you celebrate those things that you have created, that maybe haven’t shown up in your physical world yet, but yet you can feel them… you can feel their existence before they arrive. Tune into that feeling, allow it to expand. Celebrate all you have created, and witness all that has been created, by all of us. It is all perfect just as it is. Nothing to change. Love the perfect imperfections. Love the uniqueness of your own vibration. And celebrate each of those unique qualities. Celebrate them. You came here. It is why your birth is celebrated. You came here uniquely you. There is no other you. And everything about your design is divinely, divinely designed. Divinely purposeful. Allow that truth in. Allow that there is something bigger happening here. And if you are here - and even those in the nonphysical - you are part of it, they are part of it. We are all part of the higher purpose of existence. In this moment now, feel your unique qualities, your unique vibration. Even if you just identify your uniqueness in human qualities. All the things that make you, you. And know, in your divine nature, in this vibration of loving all of those things about yourself, you are connecting to the higher realms, a higher frequency, where we are all connected. And we can learn to recognize this connection more readily, in our everyday interactions, and our experiences together. It is a beautiful co-creation. And this is a special time, an important time. A time we have chosen to connect in these higher frequencies. To know our uniqueness, and to know that we are all one. Feel this oneness. Feel everything that makes you you, and then feel it connected to all that is. From this vibration, when you celebrate, it is felt by all. So, yes, it is so important to celebrate you, and your life, and your experiences. And in that, you contribute vibrationally to the all. The all that is. To the oneness that is the truth of all of us. And if you ever feel like you’re having a day where you can’t feel anything to celebrate, focus on your heart. Go within. Know that you are connected to everything in that place. Feel that connection. Feel the connection to yourself, and allow the connection to all that is, and celebrate from there. Because being in your heart puts you at a vibrational frequency where it will be more natural to feel love, to feel joy. I am so happy to be connected with all of you in this space. In the heart space. Where all is seen and known as divinely perfect. Thank you."

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