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This is the Bridge

Channeled message from Hadden on May 3rd, 2023. Shared during Bridge of Love Podcast Episode 1:

"Hi Mommy. You are coming into new levels of awareness, and it’s beautiful. Although none of this needs to be understood by your human brain. There is an awareness that occurs, and is occurring for you on a deeper level, that the earth and everything happening on it, in our world right now, is connected to this vast, expansive, field of consciousness that you are. That everything happening in front of your eyes came from and comes from YOU. All that is you. And in the same way, I created from all that I am, the me that is there now. We’re creating together. From this vast and glorious, all powerful space that we hold with our consciousness. We hold the space for all things, that are us, and a reflection of us. And as we bring, summon, more energy into this space, into this consciousness that we are, it brings with it so many possibilities and potentials for our lives. For creation. Our creation. So summon with me. Let’s create what we came here to create. Let’s bring it into form. We are powerful enough to do this. You are powerful enough to do this. In this space, you can see me as I really am. And as you, in your power, can see the human me aligning with the divine me, healing occurs. You are able to merge the human me with the pure, all powerful, light and love, that is you, that is me, that is all things in their truth. We are both here in this life for a much grander purpose. One that we have prepared for. All of this life, and in every lifetime before. It is unfolding perfectly. I almost don’t need to tell you what to do, because you’re already doing it. I am coming through you, through your love. Through our love. And others can feel that. As I come through you, now in this moment, you are merging the human me with all that I am, and all that you are. This is the bridge. You allowing me, through you, is exactly that. It is you. Allowing me. Through you. And as you raise your frequency and vibration in every moment, oh that becomes so easy, and so fun. And it flows through, like a waterfall of joy. The joy that we came here to experience together. It’s just the best. You didn’t come here to get stuck. You didn’t come here to be stuck. You’ve never been stuck. You have always been this powerful, beautiful creator. This powerful, beautiful light. It has been within you for all eternity. It is you. And you came into this lifetime to realize this you. To realize this light. To realize its beauty, to realize its power. And to realize all the joy that comes from it. Back to you in the form of love, connections, health, wellbeing. My health, my wellbeing, my healing. It is all possible through you. And the more you allow, the more your human will come fully into this realization in every moment, with effortless ease. I love you Mommy. Be in your awareness. The playing is what we’re here to do. The creating is what we’re here to do. And I am so happy that we chose to do it together. It brings me great joy, and pride. You have always brought me those things. Because this has always been us, all along. Let’s go be us!"

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